Cabbage Smell In Bathroom
05/04/2014 at 6:56 am
Hi was wondering if anyone ever had same problem. Couple of days ago noticed really bad smell like rotting cabbage in my living room, pulled out every cupboard, scoured and defrosted fridge freezer, pulled sink apart, put caustic soda in the drains, descaled washing machine but smell is still strong, am going off my head as don't know what it is, please help before I literally pull walls down looking for we're this smell is coming from 😷 x
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05/04/2014 at 7:15 am
Could be a dead mouse under the floorboards perhaps or if you have a chimney a dead bird? Sorry to say, but they do have a very pungent pong!
05/04/2014 at 7:21 am
Oh Clare I hope not, you are not the only person I have heard this from, I've been looking on websites!! The smell doesn't seem as pungent today so il keep my fingers crossed, thanks for the reply xx
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Alexandra J(58)
05/04/2014 at 7:28 am
It'll be a dead mouse in the walls or under the floor, I've had it a few times in the living room, it goes after a fee weeks. In the early hours I can hear them running between the walls and floorboards.
05/04/2014 at 7:33 am
Oh my god Alexander, we had a mouse years ago but we had a dog then so only saw it a couple of times, so will the smell defo go? Hope so, I've got blisters on my hands with scrubbing everywhere!! Thanks for replying x
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Alexandra J(58)
05/04/2014 at 7:36 am
Don't worry it will go, it's been colder the last week or so so I think they've come in for a warm. As long as they're not breeding lol. I tried opening windows, burning oils and candles but it made the smell worse, bit like when someone tried to mask a no2 in the toilet with loads of air freshener....makes you feel even more sick
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05/04/2014 at 7:37 am
Hi was wondering if anyone ever had same problem. Couple of days ago noticed really bad smell like rotting cabbage in my living room, pulled out every cupboard, scoured and defrosted fridge freezer, pulled sink apart, put caustic soda in the drains, descaled washing machine but smell is still strong, am going off my head as don't know what it is, please help before I literally pull walls down looking for we're this smell is coming from 😷 x
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I had this in one of my bedrooms I went crazy I found t was coming from the vent loool I even knocked on my neighbours door to try to sort it haha it went and never came back since. Still dont know what it was
05/04/2014 at 7:45 am
Thanks all for the replies, jeez hope it hasn't bred, smell doesn't seem as strong today like!
Alex I have done the same spend a fortune of air freshners, candles and I have fabreezed anything that stands still lol x
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05/04/2014 at 7:47 am
We thought we had a dead rat upstairs for about a year. Turned out to be the light rose thing. The bit you put your lightbulb in. Apparently it's quite common that they can burn and when the lightbulb heats up it will leave a pungent smell. May be worth checking as cheap and easy to replace
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05/04/2014 at 8:02 am
I really hope you find the cause. We have a terrible smell in our old house. My oh had seen a mouse and put poison down. He didn't tell me so a few days later this smell appeared that was knocking me sick. I hadn't a clue what it was and it was getting worse day by day. In the end he owned up. He worked so was hardly home. I found the thing in the back of a cupboard in a holdall xxx yuk!!!
Sarah B(4984)
05/04/2014 at 8:09 am
I had one in my old house. Turned out to be a back log of sewage which actually exploded onto the street and all over my back windows from a pipe. The council ended up having to replace a cracked pipe that was the cause :/
I'd get a drain checker doofah person to come check xxxx
05/04/2014 at 8:14 am
Are you pregnant at the mo? When I was really early ( before I knew). I thought I could smell disgusting odour in the bedroom. . Spent loads on air fresheners etc but it was just me!!! X
05/04/2014 at 8:18 am
Sarah my partner has checked the drains outside, we have a manhole right by my back gate, opened it up and put caustic soda down there, no sign of a blockage.
We had a faulty socket a while ago a while ago Emma this give off a pungent fishy smell.
Just hope it's gone now as doesn't seem as bad today x
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05/04/2014 at 8:20 am
Hi Marie no defo not pregnant but I know what you mean being sensitive to smells. I had a bad cold last week and sinuses are blocked thought it was me till my son and his gf came other day and smelt it soon as they walked in x
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Sarah B(4984)
05/04/2014 at 8:21 am
The first drain people who came said there was nothing wrong. After a week there was water coming through the path. After another week it exploded. It wasn't directly outside my house it had cracked in the middle of the road. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever smelled!
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